

MicrogridsSmart Microgrids with unique cross-grid operational capabilities that help ensure non-fluctuating supplies and high efficiencies The demand for energy around the world is constantly rising, with 70% of this demand being met by non-renewable fossil fuels that harm the environment. The conventional grids are incompetent in meeting these rising demands and often suffer outages. Thus, [...]

MUSIC : Multi-Utility Spatial Intelligence and Control System

MUSICMulti-Utility Spatial Intelligence and Control System (MUSIC) to effectively monitor and manage widespread areas such as Cities and Industries Our Multi-utility Spatial Intelligence and Control System aka MUSIC is state of the art technology, designed primarily to cater to the growing smart technology needs. As the name suggests, it helps manage and control multi-utility systems [...]

Utility Grids

Smart Utility GridAn extensive solution to efficiently monitor and manage gas, water, and electric utilities Our Smart Utilities allow for proficient resource management while minimizing its consumption. Our offering tends to make management and monitoring of gas and water easier and accessible from a single point/switch. Our Smart Utility meters capture reliable data in real-time [...]